
Tuesday, November 20, 2012


So, many of you may know that recently here in Utah they have raised the bounty on coyotes. This is due to the diminishing deer and elk populations. Bad news for the coyotes, good news for us!

The funny thing for me is that I have never shot a coyote while actually coyote hunting. Although I have shot two in the past two years while elk hunting. The darn things are just always in the wrong spot at the wrong time.  

The last couple weeks, I have been preparing to go out and collect on this bounty and actually call them in. I have tried this in the past and it usually ends up as a long day making funny noises in the desert. For those of you who have never seen you tube videos of this, or have never been coyote hunting, to call for coyotes takes A LOT of practice.

So instead of me running through the desert looking like a fool and fiddling with a mouth call, I decided to buy an electronic coyote call. This little masterpiece made because of thousands of people that can't call very good   (like me) is a work of art. You put batteries in, turn it on, and let it rip.

This last weekend I was able to put it to the test. I went out with a friend, set up the call, and boom after 10 minutes we had two coyotes running in. Lets just say, I need to fine tune my shooting and calling because those coyotes lived to see another day.

Now today was a different story but same idea. I got a couple friends together, we hiked up into some hills that looked promising, and got all set up. Now I was on the camera and the call, Eric was shooter #1 and Hunter was #2. The electronic call starts yapping away and we see some deer half way interested in what we are doing and wondering what the noise is.

13 minutes into the calling and I see about 5 deer on the top of the next ridge just start taking off . I tell Eric to get ready because that is usually a sign that something is coming. Before we know it a coyote is about 150 yards away and running right at us. Right as I tell Eric to wait till it gets close to shoot so I can get it on film. Baaaaaaang!  One less coyote !!!!
                                               Mad props to Eric and his shooting skills.
                                               Thanks to Hunter for helping carry it out.

                               Looks like we weren't the only ones hunting. (Mountain lion)

                                       This is Hunter waiting for coyotes on our second set.

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